Last Updated: January 7, 2025

Uncle Looney, played by Tom Hughes, hosted the kiddie cartoon show on WSLS-TV 10 in Roanoke, Virginia from January, 1956 through January, 1965. This site was created to preserve the memory of the Uncle Looney show for historical purposes, for the enjoyment of those old enough to remember watching him, and for any younger folks who want to learn about that character they've heard their parents talking about.

The site is divided into the sections you see linked below. These include a history of the program, a bio of its star, Tom Hughes, a small collection of WSLS-TV news clips featuring Uncle Looney, memories contributed by people who remember the show, some links you may enjoy, and a page about the site and its creators.

If you have any memories of Uncle Looney please mail us at the address below. And while you are here, please enjoy yourself, by crackle!

The Show

Tom Hughes

Looney on Film

Looney Memories

Looney Links

About The Site


The material is presented as an historical tribute and complies with current copyright laws regarding "Fair Use" and "Incidental Use" of copyrighted material. Information presented on this site is for research and enjoyment only.